Many people are adopting a Vegan diet in their lives. They are of the view that they should not eat any food derived from animals. The time has gone when the people were either vegetarian or non-vegetarian. Some people may still be standing on a road where they are thinking about which way to proceed. Rubina Ratnakar tries to clear your ambiguity about becoming a Vegan or not.
Eating vegetables is a very healthy habit. These kinds of diets are suitable for losing weight or making your diet simpler and lighter. Anyhow, there are some nutrients that are present only in meat, fish, or eggs. One such example is Vitamin B12. The major concern of people is whether they will be getting the required nutrient from the Vegan diet or not.
Some of the key benefits of adopting a Vegan diet are you can lose weight with this diet, it improves the functioning of our kidneys, it protects us from many types of cancers, it is relatively richer in some nutrients, and it helps in keeping a healthy heart. All these benefits make the diet desirable and popular among all the people these days.
Cutting out meat and animal products from our diet can have some side effects as well. One main problem that you will face due to cutting out animal products is that the iron present in the foods eaten in the Vegan diet is less absorbable than the one present in nonvegetarian food. Iron-deficiency anemia can be a major drawback of adopting a Vegan diet.
Just like iron, A Vegan diet is deficient in Vitamin B12 as well. Another thing you will be missing is zinc. You may consider taking supplements for completing these, but they are going to have their own side effects.
A Vegan diet is rich in carbohydrates. This is the nutrient that you will be consuming the most. Eating too many carbohydrates can also be a threat to your health. Disturbed blood sugar levels and fatty liver disease are some common threats one can see.
We advise you to consider all the pros and cons before becoming a Vegan. It is fine for the short run, for example, for losing weight. In the long run, you may consider seeking medical advice.
Check out the latest blogs by Rubina Ratnakar on fitness tips for women in their 30s and foods to avoid diabetes.