Rubina Ratnakar

Emotional eating by Rubina Ratnakar

Have you ever felt stressed and instead of doing something about it you just start eating something? Well, this is called emotional eating. Eating when you are feeling like the emotions are taking you over and just to distract yourself from the matter is emotional eating. In this blog, Rubina Ratnakar talks about emotional eating and ways to get rid of this habit.

First of all, you need to differentiate between emotional hunger and actual hunger. Always remember that emotional hunger is sudden in nature. Actual hunger increases slowly and subsequently. When you are undergoing emotional hunger, you will feel like eating a certain food. Whereas when you normally hungry, you will not crave a specific food group.

After eating a sufficient amount of food, you will experience the sensation of fullness, if you are actually hungry. On the other hand, emotional hunger does not involve the sensation of fullness after eating.

It has something to do with your mental state as well. You will feel guilty about your eating habits when you are experiencing emotional eating.

Since this is an unhealthy habit, you may need some ways to cope up with emotional eating. It is all due to the stress, so you should work on overcoming that stress.

You should try to deviate your attention from the cause of the stress and should also try to stay away from tempting foods. Make your mind think about something positive and soothing.

Meditation is like a remedy for most problems faced by a person. Whenever you think you are experiencing emotional hunger, you should try meditation.

Keeping a food journal can help you in monitoring your food habits. Once you know about the foods you crave and the time when you crave those foods, you will be able to handle your emotional eating as well.

You will not be able to eliminate the cravings completely so you should start by decreasing the amount of food.

Check out the latest blogs by Rubina Ratnakar on Foods to fight antibodies and Fitness festivals across the globe.

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